Lessons to my Younger Self: STEM Edition

Happy New Year! After participating in the #BLACKandSTEM major Tweets roll call last week I was inspired to share my top lessons to my younger self.

Lesson to my Younger Self (STEM Edition):

1. Don’t let your major define you:

My advice is to make a list of words that describe what you want to do. After some time you will start to see a theme. Now you can contact others for informational interviews to learn more about prospective STEM careers. Remember your major is part of your career, but it does not define you. Your goal is to graduate, finish strong with your STEM degree and land a career that suits you.

2. Get mentors early:

Everyone should have at least one mentor. My aunt (she is an electrical engineer) was my first STEM mentor. It’s good to have a STEM mentor because will guide you as you progress into a STEM professional.

3. Find a creative way to share science:

Last year was my 1st blogiversary. I never knew that there was a science communications community until I Mademoiselle Scientist. If you like to write, create a platform, Twitter, or a blog. If you like to create visual content, start a YouTube channel. Social media is huge now and it’s time to see more science in social media! #scicomm

4. Don’t be afraid to fail:

I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true. We fail, we make mistakes, and we get better. When I was in high school I was a star student. When I went to college I realized everyone was a star student. It is normal to feel this way. If you fail, get help. If you fail, again try again. Failure builds strength, resilience, and grace and teaches you life-changing lessons.  A STEM career is not easy, but you can do it!

5. Gain research experience early:

Did you know that you can work in a research laboratory at 16 and sometimes even younger as a volunteer? There are so many opportunities out there for young budding scientists interested in STEM. If you want to become a researcher start research. If you want to teach become a teaching assistant. To be a STEM professional you have to take action.

6. Find a group of peers that are STEM-ers like you:

I found my group when I joined NSBE in my junior year of high school. NSBE opened so many doors for me and it was good to have a group of people who knew exactly what I was going through. Plus, it was nice to have a group of people that looked like me, especially as an undergraduate student at a PWI. Join a STEM organization or create one.

7. Enjoy this time!

What would you tell your younger self? Share below.

6 thoughts on “Lessons to my Younger Self: STEM Edition

  1. Gaining experience as early as possible is invaluable! Any time a young STEM major asks for my advice, #1 on the list is finding a professor whose work interests them and volunteering in their lab. Absolutely the best action I ever took in regards to my own career goals.

  2. Pingback: What Does a Scientist Look Like?/Too Pretty to be a Scientist | Mademoiselle Scientist

  3. Pingback: #DearME STEM College Student Edition: What I Would Tell My Younger Self Part II | Mademoiselle Scientist

  4. Pingback: Spotlight on Science/Mademoiselle Scientist: Science Mentor/Donna Kridelbaugh | Mademoiselle Scientist

  5. Pingback: A Bit More About Mademoiselle Scientist + The Importance of Having a Science Community | Mademoiselle Scientist

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