Spring Refresh: Updating your IDP Tool & Goals

Spring is the perfect time to refresh your goals and update your IDP tool. Recently I attended the Creating and Owning Your Individual Development Plan workshop hosted by The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) and learned some great tips. Next month, they are having a follow-up workshop called, I Completed my IDP…Now What? If these workshops sound interesting you can check out more of their resources on the CIRTL website. (more…)

10 Gift Ideas for Scientists II:

Looking for a science gift idea? What do you give to the scientist or engineer that seems to have it all? Will they like it? Will it be cool enough? You will find a gift here for every scientist on your list with a great mix of quirky and practical.

10 Gift Ideas for Scientists II:

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1. Books:

Stress Less: 10 Balancing Insights on Work and Life by Amy Freeman, Ph.D. and the Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome & How to Thrive in Spite of it by Valerie Young. I read these books recently and I would highly recommend them to any women who wants to be successful in her career or life in general. Books are always a great gift and I always look forward to adding a good book to my collection.

2. Erin Condren Life Planner:

If the scientist in your life has a busy schedule and prefers a paper planner instead of electronic get them a planner. Recently I’ve been hearing a lot about the Erin Condren Planner so I decided to add it to the list. The planner has a lot of space for writing notes and add items throughout the day. If your recipient is looking to go further in planning consider customizing the planner.

3. Elemental, Spice Rack Set:

This is such a fun, but quirky science-themed gift for the scientist in your life that loves to cook. Plus it will add a bit of science charm to their kitchen.

4. S’well Bottle:

No matter what a drinking bottle that will keep your drinks cold or hot will never go out of style. I like the metallic ones. This bottle will keep your morning cup of tea hot for hours. I’m sure your PI would like this gift. If you want you can pair this gift with a set of gourmet tea or coffee.

5. Pi Tie Bar: 

If you know a guy that is crazy about numbers give him this stylish Pi Tie bar to enhance his style. I know a few math geeks and engineers that would appreciate this gift. Plus it’s a nice statement piece that I know he would like because it’s very unique. If you want to go the extra mile pair this gift with a stylish tie. (more…)

Spring Cleaning: 5 Quick Tips to Declutter Your Inbox

Inboxes can get easily get out of hand. Let’s fix that. Here are 5 tips to get you started:

5 Quick Tips to Declutter Your Inbox:

1. Unsubscribe from unnecessary notifications:
This is one of the biggest ways to decrease your daily emails. Unsubscribe from news feeds, social media notifications and any other subscription services that you do not need. For example, if you read a lot of blogs sign up for Bloglovin’, which is a website that allows you to read all of your blogs in one place instead of reading the blog post in your inbox or going to the blogger’s site.

2. Color Code, Create Labels and Filters:
I’m big on organizing, especially color coding. Gmail has great color coding and labeling options to keep your emails organized. If you don’t have a Gmail account many email accounts have color coding options, which will make checking your email a breeze. Use the filters and labels to your advantage.

3. Daily Maintenance:
When you check your email immediately delete the emails you do not need.

4. Respond as Soon as You Can:
The longer you wait to respond the more emails pile up. If an email takes more time to respond to set a reminder and use the stars feature to set it as a priority to email back.

5. Set a Time to Check Your Email:
Decide what time is good for you and set a small block of time dedicated to checking your email. When you do this you will find yourself spending less time looking through your inbox.

What tips do you have for getting your inbox under control? Share below.

What Does a Scientist Look Like?/Too Pretty to be a Scientist

A few months ago the Science Mentor told me about a new science blogger, La Cientifica. So I went on over to her blog and came across her post, Please Refrain. In this post she shared some of the crazy comments she gets as a woman in science. Here are some of the comments that stood out to me the most:

  • Come on angels.
  • Women live longer than men because they don’t work as hard.
  • The only intelligent woman I know is my wife.
  • You don’t dress like a scientist.
  • Do you plan on having a baby anytime soon?

I can say that I have heard these before. Have you? These comments are inappropriate,  disrespectful, and unprofessional. I remember reading a few articles about this topic and the Women in Astronomy (Is Science in the Eye of the Beholder?) and it does not make sense how common these questions get asked.

When did society make it okay for people to make rude comments to women in STEM? This is unacceptable and has to stop. As a Mademoiselle Scientist I should only be judged by the work that I do, not what I look like. Since I look young and dress stylishly I often get the comments like: “you look so young”, or “real scientists don’t care about how they look, this is not a fashion show” and sometimes I don’t get taken seriously. The last time I checked there is nothing wrong with being feminine or taking pride in my appearance.

Have you ever heard, “you don’t look like a scientist”? Or how about, “You are too pretty to be a scientist”? If so, this has to spot. Let’s come together change the narrative and make a chances so our voices will be heard that we are scientists. (more…)

The Power Nap

Tired or stressed? Recharge your batteries with a Power Nap. I like to take my Power Nap after my Power Hour depending on my schedule that day. Power Naps are amazing because it’s just enough time to relax without falling into a deep sleep. (more…)

Recharging After Your Vacation

A month ago I wrote a post about How to make the most of your summer vacation. Recharging after your vacation is just as important as taking your vacation.

Here are My Tips to Recharge After Vacation:

1. Read an Inspirational Book(s):

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. During my break I relaxed and spent quality with my family. Towards the end of my break I picked up some inspirational books.

2. Take a Nice Walk, Run or Jog:

Along with reading I enjoy walking. Whenever I feel stressed or need some fresh air I take a walk. After your vacation take a moment to walk to help you unwind before resuming your regular schedule.

3. Listen to Some Good Music:

I enjoy listening to music and this summer I have been listening to all types of music. Before you go to sleep listen to music that makes you feel happy and relaxed. When you wake up you will feel happier and ready to start your day.


How to Make the Most of Your Summer Vacation

It’s vacation season. Now is the time to relax, spend time with family and have fun.

How to Make the Most of Your Summer Vacation:

1. Prepare and Create Lists:
Send reminders to our labmates, boss, coworkers, or other people that we need to notify because people generally forget when people have time off. You don’t want to receive work/school messages while on vacation so set your vacation away message for your email. Set a to-do list so when you get back you know what you have to work on. Now, you can enjoy all your vacation time and have things in order when you get back.

2. Switch Your Mind to Vacation Mode:
Leave all of your worries, frustrations, and stresses out of your mind for the time that you are on vacation. Have you ever been on a vacation with someone and all they talked about was how they are so stressed and dreading going back to work? Don’t let this person be you. Use your vacation as a time to temporarily forget life’s stresses. This is how to take a true vacation inside and out.

3. Leave Your Work at Home:
This is important, especially for my workaholics out there. The purpose of a vacation is to have time to relax, have fun and explore your vacation’s surroundings. If you are working you cannot enjoy your vacation to the maximum potential. Use your vacation time to completely escape from your work for a while. It will not hurt you. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for it. (more…)